Publication of the textbook “UX/UI Design” and the book “Understanding Design” / Professor Yeoun Myeong-heum (Department of Industrial Design)

  • 25.03.20 / 이정민



Professor Yeoun Myeong-heum of the Department of Industrial Design at Kookmin University co-authored the textbook “UX/UI Design” with Professor Jung-cheol Lee of Seoul National University and Professor Jung-tae Lee of Hanyang University.


Published by Angraphics, a publisher specializing in the field of design, this book systematically covers all areas from the concepts of UX design and UI design to practical work, and was written to serve as a textbook for both students and working professionals in the UX/UI design field.


The three authors have previously created a KMOOC course called “UX/UI Design: From Introduction to Advanced” in 2022, and this textbook is an extension of that course.



In addition, Professor Yeoun has also published the latest edition of the 2025 textbook for “Understanding Design,” one of the core liberal arts courses at our university. The book, Understanding Design, was co-authored by Professor Na-ri Yoon of the College of Liberal Arts, Professor Min Lee of Catholic University, Professor Hye-wook Jung of Hongik University, and Professor Sang-gyu Kim of Seoul National University of Science and Technology, and published by Park Youngsa, a publisher specializing in social science textbooks, in an attempt to go beyond the boundaries of university publications.


This textbook, which has been revised for the first time in five years, contains many color photographs to enhance students' understanding and interest in the works of design companies and covers the latest issues surrounding design.






This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

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Publication of the textbook “UX/UI Design” and the book “Understanding Design” / Professor Yeoun Myeong-heum (Department of Industrial Design)



Professor Yeoun Myeong-heum of the Department of Industrial Design at Kookmin University co-authored the textbook “UX/UI Design” with Professor Jung-cheol Lee of Seoul National University and Professor Jung-tae Lee of Hanyang University.


Published by Angraphics, a publisher specializing in the field of design, this book systematically covers all areas from the concepts of UX design and UI design to practical work, and was written to serve as a textbook for both students and working professionals in the UX/UI design field.


The three authors have previously created a KMOOC course called “UX/UI Design: From Introduction to Advanced” in 2022, and this textbook is an extension of that course.



In addition, Professor Yeoun has also published the latest edition of the 2025 textbook for “Understanding Design,” one of the core liberal arts courses at our university. The book, Understanding Design, was co-authored by Professor Na-ri Yoon of the College of Liberal Arts, Professor Min Lee of Catholic University, Professor Hye-wook Jung of Hongik University, and Professor Sang-gyu Kim of Seoul National University of Science and Technology, and published by Park Youngsa, a publisher specializing in social science textbooks, in an attempt to go beyond the boundaries of university publications.


This textbook, which has been revised for the first time in five years, contains many color photographs to enhance students' understanding and interest in the works of design companies and covers the latest issues surrounding design.






This content is translated from Korean to English using the AI translation service DeepL and may contain translation errors such as jargon/pronouns.

If you find any, please send your feedback to so we can correct them.


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