Winner of the 2025 Kim Yoon Ok Academic Research Award of the Korean Society for Learning Disabilities / Professor Yoon Ok Kim (Department of Dyslexia Education, Graduate School of Education)
- 25.02.17 / 이정민
Dr. Bo-Bae Kim, a professor in the Department of Dyslexia Education at Kookmin University's Graduate School of General Studies, was awarded the Kim Yoon-Ok Academic Research Award at the 2025 Winter Conference of the Korean Society for Learning Disabilities held on February 8 at the National Assembly Hall. The award is given to researchers who have published outstanding papers that combine theory and practice in the field of learning disabilities and have made significant contributions to supporting students with special educational needs.
The Korean Society for Learning Disabilities announced that all papers published in the journal Learning Disability Research in 2024 were rigorously reviewed by the Academic Research Award Selection Committee, and that Professor Kim's paper was unanimously selected by the committee.
Dr. Kim's winning paper, “Exploring Dyslexia Subtypes Based on Cognitive Processing and Language Skills: Toward a Latent Profile,” was published in Learning Disabilities Research, Volume 21, Issue 1.
The study revealed the existence of four types of dyslexia based on cognitive processing and language skills, and secured objectivity and validity for the subtypes of dyslexia by applying latent profile analysis to empirically explore them. In addition, the results of the analysis revealed not only the weaknesses but also the strengths of each group, and suggested appropriate educational directions for each subtype.
“I am honored to be recognized as an excellent paper that combines theory and practice,” said Professor Kim, ”I will continue to conduct meaningful and valuable research for children with learning disabilities and learning support needs.”
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Winner of the 2025 Kim Yoon Ok Academic Research Award of the Korean Society for Learning Disabilities / Professor Yoon Ok Kim (Department of Dyslexia Education, Graduate School of Education) |
Dr. Bo-Bae Kim, a professor in the Department of Dyslexia Education at Kookmin University's Graduate School of General Studies, was awarded the Kim Yoon-Ok Academic Research Award at the 2025 Winter Conference of the Korean Society for Learning Disabilities held on February 8 at the National Assembly Hall. The award is given to researchers who have published outstanding papers that combine theory and practice in the field of learning disabilities and have made significant contributions to supporting students with special educational needs. The Korean Society for Learning Disabilities announced that all papers published in the journal Learning Disability Research in 2024 were rigorously reviewed by the Academic Research Award Selection Committee, and that Professor Kim's paper was unanimously selected by the committee. Dr. Kim's winning paper, “Exploring Dyslexia Subtypes Based on Cognitive Processing and Language Skills: Toward a Latent Profile,” was published in Learning Disabilities Research, Volume 21, Issue 1. The study revealed the existence of four types of dyslexia based on cognitive processing and language skills, and secured objectivity and validity for the subtypes of dyslexia by applying latent profile analysis to empirically explore them. In addition, the results of the analysis revealed not only the weaknesses but also the strengths of each group, and suggested appropriate educational directions for each subtype. “I am honored to be recognized as an excellent paper that combines theory and practice,” said Professor Kim, ”I will continue to conduct meaningful and valuable research for children with learning disabilities and learning support needs.”